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Twitter Marketing Strategy

twitterTwitter has been around for a few years but many business owners are still not sure what it is or whether Twitter should be included in their Marketing plan. Why should you use Twitter to market your business? Well, currently 500 million people use Twitter to get information on products, services, news, and current trends and events. Twitter is a platform for people to instantly communicate what is important to them - including your business!

Who Uses Twitter

Twitter is not reserved for tech savvy people. It’s routinely used by celebrities, news bureaus, non-profit organizations, political figures as well as ordinary individuals. There is a good chance some of your customers may already be “tweeting” about your business and that exposes you to everyone that follows their tweets. Potential customers may already be searching for you on Twitter to get updates on your products or services. A Twitter account will enable you to show these people how passionate you are about your business. Your tweets will give them access to valuable information such as shop location, contact details, and special offerings.

Benefits of Twitter Marketing

follow meAside from advancing your brand Twitter can help direct traffic to your website. Search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing use Twitter to measure credibility. Google and Bing use Twitter to measure how often your site is mentioned and how often your links are “retweeted” by others. Many businesses report significant increases in organic search traffic to their website after using Twitter regularly. Once you gain a larger following you will experience increased traffic from a number of different sources.

Is Twitter Right For Your Business

If you are still wondering if Twitter Marketing is right for your business I would like you to try a little experiment. Go to your favorite search engine and type the name of any nationally known business followed by Twitter (eg. Sears twitter). Chances are they have a Twitter account and a lot of followers. Now do the same with local businesses in your area. It’s probable a majority of local businesses are also using Twitter. Like other forms of social media, Twitter is an inexpensive tool to provide advertising for your business – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

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